modelja me mbipeshe kate wasley tregon procesin se si zbukurohen femrat permes rrjeteve sociale 560x416 - Modelja me mbipeshë, Kate Wasley tregon procesin se si zbukurohen femrat përmes rrjeteve sociale
modelja me mbipeshe kate wasley tregon procesin se si zbukurohen femrat permes rrjeteve sociale - Modelja me mbipeshë, Kate Wasley tregon procesin se si zbukurohen femrat përmes rrjeteve sociale

Kate Wesley është një prej modeleve që nuk e ka problem se ka më tepër peshë në trup.

Ajo së fundi ka publikuar një video në llogarinë personale në Instagram teksa tregon procesin e xhirimit të fotografive.

Kate ka treguar se si yjet botërore zbukurojnë gjithçka në një fotografi dhe se ato që shikojmë çdo ditë në rrjetet sociale dhe revistat nuk janë reale.

“Ndërsa shoqëria e sotme gjithnjë e më shumë po kalojnë kohën në internet, ka gjithnjë e më shumë gra, por edhe burra që nuk janë të kënaqur me pamjen e tyre.”

“Po shikoni të gjitha këto trupa të përsosur dhe krahasoni veten. Këto janë korrigjime të vogla që bëhen për t’u dukur më mirë”, thotë ajo.

Në një video të shkurtër, trupi i modeles nuk pëson ndryshime, por hiqet edhe celuliti dhe zvogëlohen apo rriten gjinjtë.

“Mos e krahasoni veten me gratë e Instagramit. Ndonjëherë nuk është një betejë e barabartë, Instagram nuk pasqyron jetën e vërtetë,” u tha ajo të gjitha grave. /Telegrafi/

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Does life truely start when you’re at your goal weight? When you lose the few extra kilos, get rid of the stretch marks or your cellulite disappears? Is that when you’ll be truely happy? Is that when life will be complete and you’ll be successful and beautiful? Are they the most important things in your life? unless the weight is posing risk to your health- the answer is probably not. I’ve been a slim girl- I got praise from EVERYWHERE, saying I was beautiful, congratulations for everyone I knew, girls asking me how I did it, boys throwing themselves at me in bars. I was on a hiiiiiiighhhhh I loved the attention- but I wasn’t at my goal weight-although a size 10- so just imagine the reaction when I was!?…but I still wasn’t happy with myself, my relationships with friends and myself were suffering because I was so self conscious and my relationship with food was warped and calories were the enemy. Hand me anything and I could tell you how many calories were from fat, carbs and protein. I developed major anxiety that I still deal with today, my mental and emotional health suffered due to this obsessive need that I had to be thin and free of the horrible cellulite and stretch marks on my skin. I thought people wouldn’t like me and boys wouldn’t come near me because I had these markings. Your emotional, mental and physical health are all so important. Don’t let everything suffer just so you can fit societies mould of flawless beauty. If the world were blind, would you still impress you self?

A post shared by Kate Wasley (@katewas_) on Jul 16, 2018 at 2:33pm PDT